Creative thinking in the workplace helps the team to get away from common solutions to issues and innovate new ideas. A few activities that prompt training participants to think creatively and try to come up with out of the box solutions that you can easily incorporate in any creativity or problem solving and decision making training program.
 As creative thinking is crucial for the knowledge economy, it is essential that education serves its purpose in improving this important aspect.
To keep up with the educational expectations of today's youth, we called on to use innovative teaching techniques. Where resources and training programs are not available to keep pace with our growing technological expansion, methods must be developed and used that involve active learning without depending on high technology. Simulations, games, and role-playing are viable alternatives for learning about and experiencing real-life situations.
  Playing games, literally, is a powerful way of facilitating creative thinking, because it can lower the barriers of established behavioral norms and routines by offering new rules.